May 22, 2020

Zucchini Involtini

Oh the colours!! This is my adaptation of a classic Italian dish. It’s vegan and nightshade free. My father’s been wanting me to make this sauce for so long and I’ve finally done it.

So many pearls of ancient wisdom of Ayurveda going through my min and one thing that stuck out was the avoidance of nightshade vegetables. I trying reduce it where I can but still taking baby steps each day.

I’ve substituted the traditional tomato marinara for a delicious carrot and beetroot sauce. The filling is usually mozzarella which I’ve changed to a butter bean and basil paste.

Prep Time

20 mins

Cook Time

1 hr




4 Courgettes


1 Tin Butter Beans
2 Tbsp Nutritional Yeast
¼ Tsp Himalayan Salt
1 Tsp Olive Oil
30g Basil Leaves


300g Peeled Carrots
300g Peeled Raw Beetroot
2 Red Chillies
1 Tbsp Olive Oil
1 Tsp Himalayan Salt
1 Tsp Dried Mixed Herbs
¼ Tsp Asafoetida Powder
½ Tsp Nutmeg Powder
½ Tsp Crushed Red Chillies
200 ml Oatly Creme Fraiche

Sprinkle of vegan Parmesan Cheese



  1. Boil the carrots and beetroot. (You can steam them but I wanted to keep the stock for later use).
  2. Once tender, remove from the stock and purée the veggies.
  3. Finely chop the chillies.
  4. In a pan heat the oil and add the chillies, spices and herbs.
  5. Add in the purée and cook on a low flame for 10 mins.
  6. Mix in the oatly creme fraiche and take off the heat.


  1. Drain the butter beans and blend together with all ingredients (add a little water if too thick).


  1. Preheat the oven 200 C
  2. Slice the zucchini into long strips.
  3. Spread out onto an oven tray and sprinkle with salt. Broil for 12 mins.
  4. Take out the oven and cool.
  5. Add the butter bean paste along the length of the strip and roll gently keeping the filling intact.

Layer up:

  1. Add the sauce to an oven dish.
  2. Place zucchini rolls (seam side down) on top.
  3. You can add a little more sauce or some vegan cheese or both.
  4. Place in the oven for a further 15 at 180 C.
  5. Sprinkle with vegan Parmesan and serve up!


Zucchini Involtini Courgette

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