June 8, 2020

West African Peanut Stew

“Share our similarities and celebrate our differences” – M. Scott Peck. ⁣

There is such a cry for justice in the world right now and rightly so. Only through educating ourselves can we understand and connect with others. Knowledge is immensely powerful, the more we know the more we see the world with compassion. ⁣

Similarly we take inspiration from many cultures in so many ways. Food for example; there are numerous cuisines that we enjoy so often. We are so used to having such a variety of cuisines so regularly we can become immune to appreciating the differences. It is the diversity that satisfies us. In this same way different cultures and races play such a vital part in our society. It is our differences that make us who we are and enlighten our minds. Broadening our horizons from the sheltered homes we grew up in. ⁣

Today’s dish is a beauty, the bright colours are so inviting. Taking inspiration from the traditional West African Peanut stew, I have added sweet potato and spinach to this vibrant flavourful bowl.

Prep Time

10 mins

Cook Time

20 mins




1 Tbsp Coconut Oil

½ Tsp Asafoetida Powder

1 Inch Diced Ginger

1 Stick Celery (Finely chopped)

1 Tsp Cumin Seeds

½ Tsp Carom Seeds

¼ Tsp Crushed Chillies

8 Cherry Tomatoes

1 ½ Tbsp Peanut Butter

2 Small Sweet Potatoes

30g Spinach Leaves

2 ½ Cups Vegetable Stock

1tbsp shelled hempseeds

3/4tsp Turmeric powder

3/4 tsp Himalayan salt


  1. Peel and cut the sweet potato into small cubes.
  2. Heat the oil on a medium flame.
  3. Add the asafoetida, cumin, carom, ginger and crushed chillies. Sauté for a few mins.
  4. Add in finely chopped celery and turmeric.
  5. After a few mins add the sweet potato. Cook for 5-6 mins, stirring occasionally.
  6. Blend together tomatoes and peanut butter.
  7. Add this to the sweet potato. Mix well and add in vegetable stick or hot water.
  8. Add in the salt and spinach and cover.
  9. Cook for 10 mins over a low/medium flame.

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