June 30, 2020

Thai Salad Wraps

Nature gives us such a beautiful array of colours. Given that we eat with our eyes first, this just hits so right! ⁣

This is a burst of fresh vegetables mixed with quinoa, wrapped in lettuce with a great peanut dipping sauce. ⁣

I love everything about this. The colours, the flavours and how I feel after eating it. It’s light and refreshing, keeping you energetic. ⁣Perfect for fasting days.

Prep Time

10 mins




3/4 Cup Quinoa
1 Tsp Oil
½ Inch Diced Ginger
½ Tsp Himalayan Salt
1 Stick Celery
1 1/2 Water

1/4 Red Cabbage
2 Carrots
1 Peppers
1/2 Cucumber
2 Red Chillies
1 Little Gem Lettuce


1. Wash and soak the quinoa for 10 mins. ⁣
2. In a pan over medium heat and add the oil. ⁣
3. Sauté the ginger and celery. ⁣
4. Drain the quinoa and mix into the pan. ⁣
5. Add the salt and water.
6. Cook on low to medium heat until the steam holes appear in the quinoa. (if needed you can add a little more water)⁣ This should be cooked to a fluffy consistency. Take off the heat and let it cool
7. Chop up the vegetables and chillies. (you can add in some herbs if you want). ⁣
8. Mix in the quinoa. ⁣
9. Wash the lettuce leaves and fill with salad. ⁣

For the sauce I’ve edited my satay mix to make it fasting friendly and adding more ginger to it.

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