May 20, 2020

Thai Green Curry

Genuinely love a this dish so so much!!

I don’t even look at the menu in a Thai restaurant, its always got to be the green curry. Always!

Prep Time

15 mins

Cook Time

20 mins




1 Tbsp Coconut Oil

300g Vegetables of your choice*

100g Firm Tofu

1 Tin Coconut Milk

1 Tsp Himalayan Salt

1 Tsp Agave Syrup

2 Tsp Coconut Cream

10 Basil Leaves

1 Red Chilli

4 Dried Lemongrass

4 Kaffir Lime Leaves


Curry Paste:

2 Green Chillies

1 Stick Celery

1 Inch Ginger

¼ Tsp Asafoetida Powder


Curry paste:

  1. Blend together all ingredients adding a tsp of water if too dry. (Reduce the quantity of chillies if heat isn’t for you and definitely take out for the kids).
  2. If you have fresh lemongrass blend it up with the paste.


  1. In a pan heat the coconut oil and then add the curry paste, dried lemongrass and kaffir lime leaves.
  2. As the fragrance releases add in the coconut milk and coconut cream and turn the heat to low.
  3. Chop the veggies down to an inch in size and add to the curry.
  4. Press and drain the tofu and cut into small cubes and add to the curry.
  5. Cook for 10 mins until the veggies are cooked through.
  6. Chop the red chilli and add to the curry as well as salt, agave syrup and the basil leaves.
  7. Simmer for a further 5 mins.
  8. Remove the lemongrass and lime leaves and serve up with jasmine rice.

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