June 6, 2019

Teething Biscuits with Camomile.

I’ve always felt that teething is an unfair pain for such little humans to have to go through. 

My little girl seemed to be constantly teething since she was 3 months but with no signs of any teeth cutting through. Now suddenly 4 coming through all at once. 

Needless to say, she wasn’t very keen on much food or play.  Any toy I gave her she’d only use to chomp down on. 

I wanted to give her something that would fill both needs of food and a teething toy. I’ve seen some great recipes for teething biscuits but nothing that would ease the pain just the itch. 

I’ve been giving her Teetha granules to ease the pain which is nothing more than camomile powder so I thought to combine camomile into the biscuits and it seemed to settle her a little. Hope it helps your little one too. 

Prep Time

Prep: 10 mins

Bake: 20-25mins

Makes 25 biscuits


1 cup oat flour (ground up rolled oats) 

3/4 cup apple purée (roughly 2 apples)

2 camomile tea bags

1tsp cinnamon powder 

2tbsp coconut oil


  1. Chop up apples and boil with teabags.
  1. Once apples are soft take out the tea bags and scoop out the apples to blend. Use the water to make a purée consistency.
  1. Mix the flour, cinnamon and coconut oil.
  1. Add the purée little by little to make a firm dough. (Depending on the size of the apples, you may have more purée than needed. Go off the firmness of the dough).
  1. Then you can make what shape you’d like. Flat like rusk or small balls. 5mm thick
  1. Using a fork I made a small pattern on them.
  1. Bake 180 for 20-25 mins. Should be golden/ firm and soft inside.

Store for 3 days or freeze

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