June 11, 2020

Soft Bread Rolls

Oh the warm and cosy aroma of freshly baked bread rolls is just divine and my kitchen right now is where it’s at!

Another one of my mums recipes that never fails and so I’ve veganised it. ⁣

Prep Time

10 mins

+ 1 hr proving

Cook Time

20 mins


12 Rolls


120ml Warm Water

240ml Warm Milk

50ml Melted Butter

2 Tbsp Sugar

1 Tsp Himalayan Salt

1 Sachet (7g) Instant Yeast

580g Plain Flour

2 Tbsp Melted Butter (coating)


1. Mix together warm milk and water. ⁣
2. Add in the melted butter
3. Mix in yeast, salt and sugar. ⁣
4. Slowly add in the flour mixing gently as you do. ⁣
5. Knead the dough for a few minutes. It should be tacky but not sticky. ⁣
6. Form a ball and place in a oiled bowl. ⁣
7. Cover with a damp cloth and place in a warm area for an hour. ⁣
8. Divide into 12 balls and place on a greased baking tray. ⁣
9. Cover and prove again for another hour. ⁣
10. Preheat the oven at 180C. ⁣
11. Bake for 20 mins. ⁣
12. Brush with melted butter.

Soft Bread Rolls

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