December 10, 2020

Saffron Peaches

A showstopper dessert. Simple and elegant for your Christmas menu.

Peaches soaking up a sweet saffron and spiced syrup, sitting on a bed sweet nut brittle.

Pour over some coconut cream for that extra smooth addition.

Saffron Peaches

Prep Time

15 mins

Cook Time

25 mins




Nut and Fruit Brittle:

100g Caster Sugar
25g Hazelnuts
25g Walnuts
25g Pecans
25g Dried Cranberries


2 Peeled Peaches
400ml Water
½ Tsp Cinnamon Powder
½ Tsp Cardamom Powder
10 Stands Saffron

Whipped Cream:

1 Can Coconut Milk
1 Tbsp Icing Sugar


Nut Brittle:

1. In a saucepan, heat the sugar over a medium flame.
2. Slowly the sugar will melt to a brown caramel colour (careful not to take it too far or it’ll burn and taste bitter).
3. Add the nuts and fruits to the sugar and pour into a lined tray.
4. Allow to cool completely.
5. Pulse in a food processor so you are left with large chunks.


1. In a saucepan add the water, sugar and spices.
2. Peel the peaches, cut into halves and remove the stone.
3. Poach in the water for 30 mins (turning around halfway through).
4. Remove the peaches and cool in the fridge.
5. Heat the water up, adding 3 tbsp sugar.
6. Melt the sugar until it becomes a sticky syrup (again careful not to burn it – it should be light brown not dark).


1. Place nut brittle on the plate.
2. Add the peach in the centre and pour the sugar syrup on top.
3. Drizzle coconut cream on top for extra creamy texture.

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