June 17, 2020

Quinoa Cakes

Crispy quinoa cakes with a fresh salad, toasted pine nuts and an almond, rosemary and lemon dressing. ⁣

Slight variation to the buddha bowl by changing up the quinoa look. So filling and doesn’t leave you feeling heavy and lethargic. ⁣

You can add extra vegetables into this but I decided to have it with a fresh salad as it’s been so humid. ⁣

Prep Time

10 mins

Cook Time

30 mins


12 Cakes


1 Cup Quinoa
¾ Tsp Himalayan Salt
¼ Tsp Turmeric Powder
½ Inch Diced Ginger
1 Finely Chopped Chilli (Optional)
1 Tsp Cumin/Coriander Powder
½ Tsp Nutmeg
½ Tsp Crushed Dried Mint
3 ½ Cup Water


1. Heat a little oil in a pan and sauté the ginger, chillies and spices. ⁣
2. Wash the quinoa and add to the pan. Mix and add in the water. Cook for 15 mins on medium heat. (The texture should be a little more sticky rather than fluffy). ⁣
3. Let it cool and shape into patties. This recipe makes 12 medium sized cakes. ⁣
4. Pan sear for 8 mins on each side. ⁣

Serve up with a fresh salad and toasted pine nuts and a zesty dressing. ⁣

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