August 24, 2020

Okra and Fennel Curry

I’m totally team Okra, I know many who don’t like it but I’m convinced that’s just because it hasn’t been cooked with the care it deserves.

Luckily for me my little one enjoys it as much as I do so I get to enjoy it more.

I decided to pair it up with the refreshing taste of fresh fennel. This also made for a great onion substitute.

Prep Time

10 mins

+ overnight to dry the okra

Cook Time

25 mins




350g Okra

½ Fennel Bulb

1 Tbsp Coconut Oil

½ Tsp Cumin Seeds

¼ Tsp Asafoetida Powder

1 Tsp Ginger Paste

1 Green Chilli

1 Tsp Lime Juice

½ Tsp Turmeric Powder

1 Tsp Coriander/Cumin  Powder

½ Tsp Red Chilli Powder/Paprika

4 Cherry Tomatoes

½ Tsp Garam Masala

1 Tsp Himalayan Salt

1 Tbsp Fresh Coriander (Chopped)


1. Wash the okra and allow it to dry through. (Don’t rush this, make sure each okra is dry or you’ll be attacked with slime, Best to allow it to dry overnight).
2. Chop and remove the tops and cut into one inch pieces.
3. In a pan heat 1tbsp of oil over medium flame.
4. Add the lime juice, and sauté the chopped okra until they start to shrink a little. This is sealing and drying up the slime from coming out when cooked later.
5. Remove from pan and set aside.
6. Heat 1tbsp of oil over a medium flame.
7. Sauté the asafoetida, cumin seeds, ginger paste and chillies.
8. Finely chop the cherry tomatoes and fennel and add them to the sauté.
9. After 2 mins add in the remaining spices and mix.
10. Add in the okra and cook for 7-8 mins.
11. Sprinkle with fresh coriander and the fennel leaves.

Serve with your choice of Chapati’s or naan.

Okra, Bhindi, Fennel