July 24, 2020

New York Bagels

Well here’s the weekend breakfast ready, New York style Bagels baby!!!

Get the cream cheese schmear ready.

I’ve used wholewheat flour & unrefined sugar trying to bring it over to the “healthier” side of things.

We love a bagel in my house, my little one grabbed it just as it cooled = success!

Prep Time

20 min

+ 1 hr Proving

Cook Time

30-40 mins


8 Bagels


120ml + 180ml Warm Water
7g Instant Yeast
20g  (1 Tbsp) Maple Syrup
450g Wholewheat Bread Flour
1 ½ Tsp Himalayan Salt

Sesame Seeds
Pumpkin Seeds
Poppy Seeds


New York Style Bagels

1. Take 120ml of warm water.
2. Meanwhile mix the flour with salt & yeast & make a well in the middle.
3. Take the water, pour into the well & mix into the flour.
4. Make another well in the mixture & add the half of the remaining water & maple syrup & mix in.
5. Mix in the remaining water little at a time until you have a smooth dough forming.
6. Remove the dough onto a lightly floured surface & knead for 10 mins (add more flour if needed, no more than 50g including that used for dusting).
7. Place the dough in an oiled bowl, cover with a damp cloth & place in a warm area for an hour.
8. Preheat the oven to 220C.
9. Also in a wide pot bring water to boil.
10. The dough should’ve risen double its size. Punch it down removing the air bubbles.
11. Separate the dough into 8 equal portions. Use a measuring scale to ensure each piece is even, hence will be evenly cooked later.
12. Make 8 balls of each piece & with the index finger pierce a hole in the middle of the ball & start to stretch it wider to 1.5”.
13. Place bagels into boiling water (keeping enough room for each bagel to move).
14. Once the bagels rise to the top, cook for 1 min, turn over & cook for another min.
15. Place onto a lined baking tray.
16. Add your choice of toppings & bake for 20-25 minutes.
17. Ensure the middle of the ring has cooked through, take out & let it cool.