May 29, 2020


This isn’t just any naan, this is a tender, soft, fluffy, VEGAN naan.

No, seriously, this is such a quick recipe and you don’t need to be a pro chapati roller either.

This is something my mum and aunts make often, especially when we host events. I’ve taken their traditional recipe and veganised it.

Prep Time

10 mins

Cook Time

5 mins

(per naan)




260g Plain Flour
7g Instant Yeast
1 Tbsp Olive Oil
¼ Cup Non-Dairy Yoghurt
½ Cup Non-Dairy Milk
1 Tsp Sugar
½ Tsp Himalayan Salt


  1. Warm the milk – I used oat milk.
  2. Mix together the milk and sugar.
  3. In a bowl mix together 200g of flour and yeast.
  4. Add in the olive oil, salt and yoghurt – it’ll still be quite sticky at this point.
  5. The remaining 60g of flour dust a clean surface and empty the dough into this. (I usually add the flour like this to avoid inserting extra flour into the dough).
  6. Knead all the flour into the dough until it comes together to form a soft ball.
  7. Lightly oil a bowl and place the dough in it.
  8. Cover with a damp cloth and place in a warm area for an hour to prove.
  9. Heat a non stick pan or an iron skillet. Lightly oil, the pan. (I use an oregano cold press spray).
  10. Divide the dough into 6 even segments.
  11. On a lightly floured surface roll out ovals, rectangles or circles (whatever shape you want really – let your little one join in as it doesn’t need to be a perfect shape). You want a thickness of 1/2 cm.
  12. Place it on the pan on a medium flame and cook either side for 3-4 mins (or when you notice bubbles forming on the first side).
  13. Coat with vegan butter and serve up with your favourite curry. (You can make a vegan butter, asafoetida and chilli mix to spread on top … it is divine).

Vegan Naan

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