November 12, 2020

Gajar ka Halwa Trifle (Carrot Pudding)

Gajar Halwa is a dessert that I associate with my mother. Hers is the only one I personally love; her Rajasthani touch and labour of love takes it to heavenly plain.

Gajar Halwa is a carrot and milk-based dessert, for best results it’s important to let it take its time to cook to let the flavours infuse and get a deep rich colour. Sweetness and soft texture of carrots with notes of cardamom is Indian dessert in its prime for me.

I love it served hot with a cold Oatly Vanilla whippable custard with an optional addition of tangy raspberry jam (it works – trust me).

Gajar Halwa

Prep Time

20 mins

Cook Time

2 hr




4 Medium Carrots
700ml Almond Milk
65ml Coconut Cream
75g Caster Sugar
½ Tsp Cardamom Powder
35g Nuts and Raisins
20g Butter

250ml Oatly Vanilla Custard
¼ Tsp Cardamom Powder

Raspberry Jam


1. Peel and grate the carrots.
2. Over a low flame cook the carrots in the milk until the liquid has evaporated (This will take almost two hours), stirring occasionally.
3. Once the mixture looks more like loose fudge add in the coconut cream and sugar and keep stirring as the sugar will release more liquid. The consistency needs to be drier rather than fudge like.
4. Mix in the cardamom and nuts and butter.
5. For the custard add in the cardamom powder and follow the instructions on the packet.
6. Assemble the trifle when ready to eat as its best served hot.
7. The halwa will solidify once cooled so you will need to warm it on a pan until the oil starts to release from it.
8. Assemble with layers of Halwa and custard and jam.
9. Sprinkle a few rose buds on top.

Gajar Halwa

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