April 11, 2020

Cream Eggs

Just in time for Easter.

Such a simple recipe and all ingredients in your pantry or can be easily substituted.

The classic cream egg but totally guilt free, apart from the sugar, whoops!

Prep Time

50 mins




200g Dark Chocolate (any chocolate can be substituted if you don’t have dark)

250g Icing Sugar (if you don’t have icing sugar you can blend granulated sugar to a powder state)

1/2tsp Vanilla Extract (optional)

2 drops of Orange food colour (turmeric or saffron can be used to dye the icing to an orange/yellow colour, if you use turmeric you’ll only need a pinch).


  1. Melt the chocolate in a bowl over boiling water.
  2. I used an egg mould but if your not too fussed with the shape you can use any round mould.
  3. Fill up to three quarters of the mould.
  4. Place in the fridge for 20-30 mins. The chocolate should be still soft but starting to firm up. At this point scoop out the middle of the chocolate and place back in the fridge to firm up completely.
  5. Meanwhile mix the icing sugar and water and vanilla extract.
  6. Take out to two teaspoons of the icing sugar mixture into a separate bowl and add the orange colour.
  7. Once the chocolate is firm add the white icing mixture to the middle and place in the fridge again until set. And then add the orange icing to one side and place again in the fridge.
  8. Melt the left over chocolate and pour over the set cream egg to seal the icing. Let this set in the fridge again for a further hour.
  9. You can then combine the two halves if you’d like. Heat the back of a spoon and glide this over the edges of the eggs and place the two halves together to set.
  10. Feel free to decorate the outside if you’d like and enjoy! 😋

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