May 26, 2020

Burrito Taco Bowls

This is such a fun way to change up the traditional burrito.

Filled with tomato rice, black beans, sweet corn and red peppers and add on some guacamole for extra measure, I added oatly cream fraiche and blended it up .

My baby girl loved this one and yes it gets messy with a toddler but they enjoy it and most of eat

Prep Time

10 mins

Cook Time

30 mins





1 Tin Black Beans
¾ Cup Sweetcorn
1 Medium Red Pepper
2 Green Chillies (Optional)
1 Tsp Ground Cumin
½ Tsp Himalayan Salt
½ Inch Ginger (Diced)
¼ Tsp Asafoetida Powder
½ Tsp Mixed Herbs
½ Tsp Nutmeg Powder

Tomato Rice:

½ Cup Basmati Rice
3 Medium Tomatoes
¼ Tsp Himalayan Salt
¼ Tsp Asafoetida Powder


2 Small Avocadoes
1 Tsp Lemon Juice
¼ Tsp Himalayan Salt
1 Tbsp Oatly Crème Fraiche

3 Large Tortilla Wraps



  1. Preheat the oven at 180C.
  2. Cut the tortillas into quarters.
  3. Using two quarters overlapping each other place in a muffin tray and bake for 10 mins until crispy and set.

With and extra tortillas you can cut up into triangles and bake with the bowls for some nachos.

Taco Bowls


  1. Heat the oil in a pan.
  2. Add in diced ginger, finely chopped chillies and asafoetida powder. Sauté for 5 mins.
  3. Add in chopped red pepper and sweet corn.
  4. Mix in all spices and cook for 5-7 mins.
  5. Drain, wash and add beans and cook for a further 7-8 mins.


  1. In a pan heat oil.
  2. Blend the tomatoes and add to the oil with asafoetida powder and salt.
  3. Wash rice and sauté for a minute.
  4. Add water as required for boiling and cook.

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