July 2, 2020

Beetroot Raita

Omg!! You HAVE to make this! Don’t miss out, it’s honestly deeeeelicious!!!

Looking so pretty in pink this raita is everything to complete your savouries.

Raita is dip or sauce made from yoghurt and raw vegetables. Traditionally cucumber is used but beetroot was just too tasty to skip out on. Mixed in with some fresh mint and oh yes, we have a winner.

I don’t usually specify a brand of yoghurt but I used the @coconutcollab vegan yoghurt and the subtlety of the coconut gives a beautiful flavour.

Prep Time

10 mins

Cook Time

20 mins

(only if using fresh beetroot)




260g Yoghurt
2 Beetroots
¼ Tsp Himalayan Salt
½ Tsp Cumin Powder
10g Fresh Mint Leaves


1. Peel and boil the beetroots.
2. Cool and chop into small cubes.
3. Blend together a quarter of the cubes with the remaining ingredients into a smooth consistency.
4. Pour into a bowl and mix in the rest of the cubes with a few more fresh mint leaves.

Serve with you favourite savoury sides.

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