July 15, 2020


HH Bhakti Charu Swami’s Baklava recipe is perfection. This recipe was a total surprise to me, I’m not quite sure why, as He knew everything.

Baklava looks tricky but the way I was taught it’s so simple and so easy to recreate.
This is one of the rare times I actually have photos of Maharaj executing a few steps of the process.

This is a perfect metaphor of Maharaj’s teachings, He had a way of taking ancient wisdom and explaining it in a straightforward and simple manner making it so easy to understand and digest.

So have a go with this recipe you won’t be disappointed.

(I’ve substituted almonds for the pistachios as my little one is allergic).

Vegan Baklava, Baklava

Prep Time

20 mins

Cook Time

45 mins


30 pieces


100g Walnuts
100g Pecans
100g Pistachios
½ Cup Sugar
1 Tbsp Ground Cinnamon
½ Tsp Ground Nutmeg
2 Packs Filo Pastry (500g total)
250g Butter


¾ Cup Sugar
¾ Cup Water
¾ Cup Honey (Or ½ Cup Agave Syrup)


1. Layout and measure the filo pastry sheets to be in line with your tray. I used an 12×8” tray.
2. Mix the nuts and pulse. The texture should be coarsely chopped and not too fine. Keep a little of the pistachio to scatter over the top once cooked.
3. Mix in the cinnamon, nutmeg and sugar.
4. Preheat the oven at 180C.
5. Melt the butter.
6. Divide the filling into three parts.
7. Brush the base of the tray with a little butter.
8. Layer a sheet of filo and brush it with butter, layer another and again brush it with butter. Repeat until you have a total of 6 filo layers.
9. Layer with one part of the filling and repeat layering 6 sheets of filo brushing with butter each time.
10. Repeat with the filling and pastry until you’ve finished.
11. Cut the baklava into diamonds (pizza cutter works well).
12. Bake for 40-45 mins.
13. In the mean time make the syrup; bring to boil the sugar and water. Set aside to cool. As it’s cooling add the honey (or agave syrup).
14. Once the baklava has baked cut through the pieces ensuring each piece is separate.
15. Once the syrup has cooled drizzle over the pastry and place aside or in the fridge to cool/set.

Take a piece and enjoy.

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