October 20, 2020

Almond and Broccoli Soup

It’s simple, it’s quick and it’s packed with flavour!

I had this beauty at a French restaurant a very long time ago and have wanted to recreate this gorgeous flavour ever since.

So finally, here it is!!

Prep Time

20 mins

Cook Time

20 mins




350g Broccoli
100g Almonds


1 Tsp Coconut Oil
¼ Tsp Asafoetida Powder
½ Tsp Nutmeg Powder


1 Tsp Coconut Oil
¼ Tsp Asafoetida Powder
¼ Tsp Cumin Powder
½ Tsp Turmeric Powder
¼ Tsp Red Chilli Powder
1 ½ Tsp Himalayan Salt
¾ Tsp Dried Thyme
1 Tsp Agave Syrup (Or any Sweetener)
1 Tsp Balsamic Vinegar
Pinch Ground White Pepper


1. Blanche the almonds in hot water for 5 mins, drain and remove the skin (it should peel off easily, if not keep in water for a few mins extra).
2. Wash and chop the broccoli into medium sized florets and stems.
3. Heat 1 tsp of oil in a pan over medium heat and sauté the asafoetida and nutmeg powder for 30 secs and add in the broccoli and blanched almonds.
4. Add a little water (1/4 Cup) and cook until soft.
5. Once cooked blend up this mixture into a puree and keep aside.
6. In a pan heat another tsp of oil and saute asafoetida, cumin, turmeric, red chilli and thyme.
7. Add in the broccoli mixture and let it simmer for 7-10mins.
8. Mix in remaining ingredients.

Serve up nice and warm with croutons or a great slice of sourdough.

Almond & Broccoli Soup